Sunday, February 8, 2009

25 Random things about me.

If you read this you are tagged. If you are tagged you are supposed to make and post your own list.

1. I have two grown children who " turned out well" and are nice people, but I still worry about not being a good mother. I love them very much.
2. Reading is one of my favorite things to do, I will often choose to watch crummy tv shows rather than read a good book.
3. I am a very visual person.
4. I love to go to specialty stores like art suppliers, hardware, tack, fishing gear.
5. I like to make lists.
6. We moved a lot when I was a kid (I went to 6 grade schools.) That had a big impact on me. It was good and it was bad.
7. I knit. I find it relaxing. I want to knit better. I'm working on that. I just started a sampler scarf and another pair of socks. This pair will have cables.
8. I used to be really, really good at trivia games (jeopardy, college bowl, etc.) Now crs.
9. I am the youngest in my family. Most of my closest friends have been the youngest, too, or only children. My husband was an only. Gail is the youngest.
10. I love to go for walks especially in the mountains. I prefer to walk alone so I can go at my own pace. Dogs are optional, but usually they opt to run with Gail.
11. I like to try different foods and new restaurants, but once I find something I really like, I will go back again and again and have the same thing each time. Right now and for about the last 5 years a pork superbowl at Youngs in Ft. Collins is my favorite dish.
12. I am a tea drinker. I hate Earl Grey and Lady Grey tea. I am not fond of most herbal teas. I like black tea with sugar and milk. The southerner in me likes sweet iced tea.
13. I'm left handed but do most things except eat and write with my right hand. People don't say, "I didn't know you were left handed." to me as often as they used to.
14. Sometimes I think I would like to throw all our furniture out and start over.
15. I was born in Alabama and learned to talk with a southern accent. I used to lapse back into it when I talked to someone else with an accent.
16. We have a small rv. It is one of my favorite things. I absolutely love to go camping in it.
17. I am a big fan of KU basketball. I am also a lifelong Red Sox fan. I support the Rockies, but am not passionate about them. Pitchers and catchers report a week from today.
18. I am a good cook. Not great, but good. Just made a wonderful pot of potato leek soup.
19. I love the house to be clean, but am not often motivated to make it that way.
20. I wear socks with sandles. My feet get cold.
21. When I am not sick or injured or it's not icy, I go to the gym 5 days a week at 6 AM. I have for years. I need to work harder while there so I look like I've been going to the gym for years.
22. I love to have my back scratched and my feet rubbed.
23. I love to sing, but don't very often. I just got a new cd for car singing. It's how to sing harmony by ear.
24. Even after a lifetime of disappointment, I still find myself being optimistic about our country and hopeful for the future.
25. I am a morning person and prefer to be in bed by 9 PM. I can stay up late, I just don't like to. I like to read when I go to bed. I can't sleep late. I am up early no matter what. Sadie helps me get up earlier than I might, however.

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