Sunday, February 3, 2008

Something for the gray days of February

I read in the paper this morning that Punxsutawney Phil saw his shawdow yesterday. Shoot, he should have been in Laramie. It was cold, gray and snowy all day. If he had managed to poke his nose out of the solidly frozen ground here, winter would be over soon. As it is we won't see spring until May.

Winter has been howling here. The roads west have been closed on and off for most of the last week due to white out conditions. WYDot has been trying to keep I 80 plowed, but the wind covers the pavement up almost as soon as the plows pass by.
The winds have been awful. Steady winds of 30 to 40 with gusts of 60+ have been blowing most days. Coupled with temperatures which haven't been above freezing and you have a really dangerous situation. The forecast is stuck on wind and blowing snow.

Everyone here is complaining about the gloomy weather and whining about how tired of winter they are. We have had more gray days than sunny ones which is unusual for here. Flu season has arrived and lots of people are sick.

I will spend the entire month grant writing which means long hours and working weekends. UGH

February has little to recommend itself except for one thing.

This is one of the amarylisses that I planted before Christmas. The other is like an reluctant groundhog and apparently doesn't want to poke its nose out. This one however, is glorious and well worth the wait.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Scarlet and gray? Nuf said.